My Story:
Unless you have been hugely overweight, you can’t even imagine how a weight loss can affect you. Atkins has motivated me in ways that are almost too numerous to mention. My main goal was health. I suffered from atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter, high blood pressure, borderline diabetes and depression. I had no energy—I would come home from work and lie down and watch TV until I would go to bed. In December 2010, I went to my doctor for a regular check-up, and he told me he could no longer help me unless I helped myself. His exact words were “How long do you want to live?” I probably cried for three days—I was mad as all get-out and then decided I would show him. I had heard about Atkins and decided I would purchase the book. That changed my life! I weighed 284 pounds and started Atkins on January 15, 2011. So far, I have lost 110 pounds, and it has taken me nine months. As with any changes in lifestyle, the beginning was a challenge. But now I don’t consider Atkins a diet, but a way of life. The easiest part of Atkins is eating! There really isn’t any place you can’t get what you need. You can go anywhere from a steak house to McDonald’s and always find something to eat. Atkins tells you not to let yourself get extremely hungry and to eat snacks and protein when you can. I have not broken that ritual since I started and have not eaten a single non-Atkins-friendly food. I don’t feel the need to, and really, with all my food choices, what more could I possibly want!
Since losing the weight, have all this energy. I exercise every morning. During my last trip to my doctor in September, he told me that whatever I was doing, to keep right doing it. He even took my blood pressure medication away since my blood pressure was too low for medication. I left his office on cloud nine. Not only did I feel better, I looked better and no longer dreaded that trip to the scale. I even accompanied my children and grandchild on a trip to Washington, D.C. this past summer. I was able to go on a plane and not be embarrassed about my size and taking up so much space in the seat, and not having to have an extension on the seat belt, and I was able to keep up with my family and walked from morning until night to see the sights. Before, I never would have been able to do these things. I was so afraid that my children were embarrassed about me—they weren’t—but tell that to a fat lady. Now, my family and friends are absolutely thrilled, and my family is so excited to know that I am able to get my life back under control. My mother is so proud of me, and it is so much fun to hear her talk about my weight loss. Atkins, you saved my life—it is a wonderful, eye-opening, healthy perspective that is easy to live by.
Favorite Atkins Friendly Food: One of my favorite things about Atkins is the shakes. I have always loved ice cream, so now I take an Atkins shake, put it in the freezer until it’s almost frozen and eat it with a spoon like ice cream. It is wonderful, and I do not miss ice cream at all—I look forward to my treat and do not feel I am missing out on anything.
My Goals:
Not provided.