My Story:
My defining moment was when I was getting my hair cut, sitting in the chair, staring at myself in the mirror. I thought, “No one should have four chins.” Also, I have had two kids in three years and my weight ballooned. I kept thinking each time I had to go up a size that THAT would be the biggest size I would get—I got to a size 18. I knew as a mother of two boys that I had to get in shape for them. I began in February 2011. I have lost 52 pounds so far, and I am still losing. My goal weight is about 15 pounds away. If there was a challenging part to Atkins, it would have to be the first few weeks. It was just tough to stop the bad pattern of eating I had established for so many years. Also, I realized that I often snacked on my kids’ food without noticing so I had to be very aware of not just putting something off their plate in my mouth. The easiest part was sticking with it! The weight came of fast and continuously so that was a catalyst for me continuing on with the program. I didn’t have to make fancy recipes or worry about spending a lot of money on pre-made foods. I have always struggled with my weight and weight loss, but with Atkins, it was a cinch! This way of eating has been so awesome. It has been so easy to follow, and I cannot think of a time I was hungry. What is even better is that as a mother and wife, I had to think of dinners for my family and so many of the Atkins recipes worked great. I just added some carbs in for my family (like a hamburger bun when I just had the patty or a taco shell when I just had a salad). I also have incorporated exercise into my life. I never thought I could ENJOY exercising, but luckily I have found amazing group classes and a fantastic instructor. My success with Atkins had made me more confident—I walk taller and smile more.
Favorite Atkins Friendly Food: I love burrito beef, Muffins in a Minute (MIM) and chicken with tomatoes and capers.
My Goals:
Not provided.