My Story:
June 2018:
I had just given birth to my third baby in three years. I had 20 lbs to lose from my first pregnancy still, let alone the two consecutive pregnancies and their weight gains. I felt like a giant. I was sluggish and ornery. I was also facing the worst postpartum depression of my life, which I tried to combat with more food and emotional eating. I had always had a food and sugar addiction, so I justified it even more because I had just had a baby. Past dieting attempts had plummeted when I didn’t have enough guidelines to keep me accountable or the food became too expensive.
July 2018:
My parents had been following the Atkins/Keto/low-carb diet for about six months, with great success, and they encouraged me to look at it. I was willing to give it a try, but only until I could get down to 160 lbs. I wasn’t looking for a lifestyle revamp or mind change toward food. Yet still, God was working on my heart, convicting me of the food addiction, and I was finding some freedom over food with the low-carb diet. The more research I did, the more I became convinced of the sustainability of Atkins20/Keto, plus it fit within my tight budget. I lost 12 lbs in my first month!
September 2019:
I hit my lowest weight at 152 lbs, a 38-lb weight drop from diet alone. I started running for a month (my first consistent exercise in a year) and completed a 5K with a personal record on my time. I dropped from a size 16 pant and large shirt to a size 8 pant and a small/medium shirt, sizes I hadn’t seen since my freshman year of college. I started a group on Facebook where friends and family could join and get information and recipes about the food freedom I was experiencing. The week after my 5K, I found out I was expecting our fourth baby!
Currently, January 2020:
I’ve gotten back on track with my low-carb diet after stepping aside for a time during my first trimester. Yes, I’ve gained weight because of the baby, but I feel satisfied, even eating for two! I’ve gotten my family back into eating low-carb/low-sugar, and everyone is thriving from it. I love being able to say “yes” to my kids’ requests for treats because they’re sugarless and healthy and I don’t have to feel guilty about it! I’m focusing on eating to keep myself and the baby healthy in a culture that promotes basically gluttony during pregnancy!
Favorite Atkins Friendly Food: Mint Chocolate Protein Wafer Crisps! I’m always craving sweets, and I like having something “snacky” to grab for breakfast with my coffee or an afternoon snack.
My Goals:
Originally, my goals when I began in July 2018 were to lose weight and try to kick my sugar addiction and postpartum depression.
Currently, my goal is to maintain the Atkins20 lifestyle while pregnant!!
How Atkins Helped Get Me There: The meal bars or snack bars are so helpful when cravings kick in! Also, as a busy mom with three kids ages four and under (and the baby on the way), I thrive on things I can grab quickly. I love the flavors!