The Atkins -Jimmy Moore Interview

Interviewer: Atkins is nearly forty years old – what are your impressions of the nutritional approach today?

Jimmy: I think the diet is experiencing a real resurgence – there’s been a lot of new comparison studies, comparing Atkins to low-fat diets, etc. And time and time again, the research supports the Atkins principals.

Interviewer: So, do you think more people are coming around to the health and weight loss benefits of the Atkins lifestyle?

Jimmy: I do. You know, there are still people who think it’s all meat, eggs and cheese, but the company’s done a good job of handling the misperceptions – and blogs like mine are working hard to help more people enjoy these amazing benefits. Lives are being changed for the better.

Interviewer: Do you think the media is feeding the misperceptions of Atkins?

Jimmy: Sure, I mean, the media likes controversy. That’s what attracts people. And many writers are rooted in the conventional wisdom and don’t understand the role carbs play – they basically quote each other, and that keeps going so you never get the truth.

Interviewer: Every diet likes to show before and after pictures of their customers – and you say that’s not the whole story, can you explain?

Jimmy: Well, you present the before and after – that’s the most popular part of my site – but if someone loses 10 pounds, what I always want to know is, what happened to the lipids? The blood work? That’s the part you can’t see in those before and after pictures. But with Atkins – HDL cholesterol always goes up, triglycerides go down significantly, these are things you can’t see but they make a tremendous difference and offer a true “picture” of health.

Interviewer: We often hear stories of how people are “desperate” before they start Atkins and end up changing their lives. Why do you think they get to that point before trying this nutritional approach?

Jimmy: I think people are highly skeptical of this approach, that you can eat fat and not get fat. Because we’ve always heard just the opposite – so naturally it’s hard to shake that. So you try everything else, all the conventional approaches. They don’t work, you’re at the end of your rope, you try Atkins – and you wonder why it took you so long.

Interviewer: Do you think Atkins will ever be accepted by the majority of people?

Jimmy: I think 50 years from now, far more authorities will say you need to reduce your carb intake – we’ve already seen the American Diabetes Association saying low-carb is a perfectly acceptable form of weight loss for up to one year – they can’t be stronger in their language now – but they’re starting to come around. Once they make that full loop and admit this is good for reducing blood sugar – people will start to put 2 and 2 together.

Interviewer: Let’s talk snacks. Do you use Atkins products?

Jimmy: Oh yes, I like the shakes and the bars, especially the Caramel bars – I like to eat one before I go to the gym to get a boost of protein. I hope they never stop making those – they’re fantastic.

Interviewer: Okay, finally, what advice do you have for people who want to lose weight and get healthy?

Jimmy: I love that question, because most people assume I’d just say to get on Atkins. But the truth is, you need to find the plan that will work for you – a proven, time tested, research-tested plan. And that list of course includes Atkins. But whatever you decide to try, follow it to the letter. And then you’ve got to follow it for the rest of your life. No matter what, we’re talking about a radical change in the way you look at food – if that’s Atkins, that’s fantastic.

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