Colette's Blog

5 Reasons I Give Thanks for a Low Carb Diet

November 20, 2017

This year, I’d like to give thanks for all the benefits a low carb diet has given me over the years:

 Weight control. I eat fiber-rich vegetables, low-glycemic fruits and some whole-grain, unprocessed carbs, as well as optimal amounts of protein and healthy fats. Eating this way helped me maintain my weight for years.

  • Stable energy levels. Eating this way has helped eliminate spikes and slumps in my blood sugar, which means I enjoy stable energy levels throughout the day, every day. No more afternoon slumps that I feel the need to conquer with sugar and caffeine!
  • Fewer cravings. I have never met a sweet I didn’t like, but with Atkins I am in control of my cravings. If I need something sweet, I’ll grab an Atkins Trail Mix Bar. This crunchy snack, which features heart-healthy almonds, peanuts and cashews, plus golden raisins, is the perfect combo of sweet and salt.
  • Reduced hunger. I usually eat three low-carb meals and two low-carb snacks a day, which helps keep me perfectly satisfied and my hunger in check.
  • Better health. Over 80 clinical studies can’t be wrong in terms of proving that a low-carb diet like Atkins works, and that it has the power to improve your health by reducing your risk factors for, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, prediabetes and controlling or even reversing type-2 diabetes.

 Hopefully, during your journey with Atkins, you have had a chance to experience some of these benefits and you also have plenty to be thankful for. In the meantime, Thanksgiving is also a time to enjoy a festive feast with family and friends, and fortunately, there are plenty of low carb options, with the star being turkey, of course.


Here’s how to stay on track and enjoy this holiday with my Five Tips for a Healthy Thanksgiving and some delicious Low Carb Thanksgiving Recipes Your Family Will Love. Finally, enjoy the grand finale without guilt with our Thanksgiving Dessert Recipes

 #atkins #lowcarbthanksgiving #lowcarbthanksgivingtips #lowcarbthanksgivingrecipes #lowcarbthanksgivingdesserts #lowcarbdiet



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