Hello! How has your week been? What’s been going on? Don’t be shy, let’s hear it!
I just got back to Los Angeles, I had been on tour with Ozzy in Abu Dhabi and Russia. It was absolutely spectacular! I had the most wonderful time and I was able to stay on track with Atkins.
I think that says a lot about the program. It is flexible enough to stick to anywhere you go, from grandma’s house to Abu Dhabi! I think that has been a big part of why Atkins has worked for me. I don’t have a predictable lifestyle (who does these days?!), and with Atkins, that’s ok!
It is adaptable to your life for people all around the world, and once you’re in the maintenance phase of your weight loss, you can add in little things you like without throwing yourself off track. And, if you do start to feel off, you can always rely on strictly sticking to phase 1 to pull you right back in line. I think of it as my boot camp or my booty camp!
Now, this is not a permission slip to go off the deep end! This means you can mix in things like berries and low-carb breads on occasion. You’re all smart people, you know how to listen to your bodies and you know when you’re giving yourself too much leeway. Nevertheless, there is a bit of leeway to be given!
Atkins is adaptable enough to be molded and shaped in such a way that suits your lifestyle. Would you agree? Have you done this? What are some things you’ve been able to adapt over the years? Any why has this been important to you?
All My Love and Support,