Colette's Blog

Finding the Energy to go Back on Tour With Ozzy

April 18, 2014

Hello! How are you? What’s been going on? I want to hear everything!

I have been on tour with Ozzy and Black Sabbath for the past few days and just loving it! I never imagined I would be on a tour at 61, but here I am! We have been making our way across Canada and have met so many kind people. Tonight we are in Saskatoon!

So many things have changed since I toured with Ozzy in the 80’s. It has really made me realize just how much we are affected by what we eat. I used to be exhausted all the time, and I always thought it was the tour schedule that was wearing me out, but it was really because I was stuffing my face with junk! I was binging on soda pop, French fries, and pizzas. I felt like I deserved it all after a long day, but I didn’t realize that instead of rewarding myself, I was putting my body through a punishment. My blood sugar would go up and down, and it was a cycle of eating and exhaustion that I think a lot of people don’t realize they are putting themselves through. Am I right? Has anyone else been through this?

Now we make time for proper meals and have snacks throughout the day. It makes such a difference! I’m able to do so much more. I feel alive! I’m getting up, moving around. I don’t feel weighted down into my chair like I used to after a binge.

So how about you? What have you all been doing? Preparing for Easter? What are you making for Easter dinner? I haven’t even thought about it, so I could certainly use your ideas!

All my love and support,

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