Colette's Blog

January 8, 2013

I hope your New Year is off to a fabulous start! This year I’ve made a resolution to try to make an effort to be on time, but I’ve already broken it! How about you? I want to hear your resolutions…we’re one week in to 2013 and I want to know who’s still going strong! It’s hard, but try to remember that anything worth having takes hard work.

If Atkins is part of your New Year’s resolution, I can’t tell you enough - please stick with it! It works. If you started last week and have fallen off the wagon, don’t even think about it, get right back on, right now! I don’t want to hear anyone say they’ll get back on track on Monday. Not that old chestnut. It takes work to change your habits, but you will be so glad you did.

The first 3 weeks were hard for me because I’ve got such a sweet tooth. After every meal, I used to crave something sweet. That little voice in my head would tell me, “go on, just have one,” a cookie or a chocolate or whatever it was…but it was never just one. And when I started Atkins I would have that same feeling after a meal, but I got rid of all the junk in the house, and taught myself to have half an Atkins bar instead. Over time, that craving for sweets started fading, and now I don’t get it after meals at all.

I know I’ve said this before, but I want to say it again – if I can do it, anyone can do it. I never thought I would be a spokesperson for any kind of weight loss product because I was always a failure. I wasn’t able to succeed with anything until Atkins.

I want to see you succeed too. Tell me how it’s going. What are you struggling with? What have you achieved?

All My Love And Support,


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