Colette's Blog

How I’m staying on Track this Holiday Season

November 15, 2013

Hello! How are you? What's been going on? I just realized that it’s almost Thanksgiving and I haven’t even started preparing for the holidays! I've got so much to do, but before I jump in, I want to make a plan to stay on track this holiday season. Have a look at what I've written down so far and tell me your tips to add to the list.

1. Don’t shop and starve! Toss an Atkins bar in your bag or keep a few in the car so you don’t go without eating if you haven’t got time to stop for lunch. The longer I go without a snack, the harder it is to resist temptation.

2. Don’t get tricked by holiday packaging. All the coffee shops have the special holiday cups and the special holiday drinks out. It’s easy to get excited about it and forget what’s in those holiday coffee drinks. Skip the snowflake syrup latte and try adding heavy cream and some cinnamon or nutmeg powder to a regular coffee or espresso.

3. Stuff your turkey not your tummy! When there’s lots of food, we eat lots of it! Portion control is so important. I have to remind myself not to pile things on my plate just because I can.

4. If you go overboard, don’t abandon ship! We’re all human and we all have slip-ups. What’s important is what you do after the slip-up. Don’t get down about it and don’t throw away all your hard work. Get back on track at your very next meal.

5. Eat, Drink, and most importantly of all, BE MERRY! Enjoy the holidays, cherish the time you get to spend with friends and family. Don’t let food steal your focus.

All my love and support,

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