With the holidays in full swing, it’s more important than ever to make sure you’re not forgetting to give yourself a couple gifts—the gifts of health and time. Take some extra time to squeeze in some exercise—it’s good for your health and it’s an excellent form of stress relief. Hopefully you’ve stocked up on some go-to low-carb snacks so your hunger is under control even when there are temptations wherever you turn, and when all else fails, fill up your plate with protein and vegetables! But, it’s also important to be patient and give yourself a little slack.
No matter how “good” you are when it comes to holiday temptations; the reality is that you’ll probably take in a few extra carbs. The best way to deal with that is to wake up the next morning and get back on track. The worst things you can do are give yourself a guilt trip, decide that you’ve blown it and give up until after the holidays to get serious about your weight. Once again, there’s nothing like some hearty exercise to make you feel good about yourself and keep you motivated, and planning some low-carb snacks and meals to help renew your commitment to your low-carb lifestyle.
And finally, enjoy this time of the year, and remember what is important: family, friends, your holiday traditions and the memories you create. Keep all this in mind, and you will be well on your way to a healthy and happy New Year.