Colette's Blog

September 28, 2016

With each of us on average consuming 66 pounds of high-fructose corn syrup and 158 pounds of total sugar every year, and with 3,500 different kinds of chemicals added to our foods, many in the form of preservatives and herbicides, it is no wonder how much better we feel when we make the switch to a low-carb lifestyle. Cutting out sugar and processed foods has so many benefits beyond just weight loss. But, I will admit, it’s hard at times to resist the sweet temptation of dessert at times.

 Fortunately, over the years, I’ve learned to embrace some wholesome low-sugar alternatives—like fresh berries and cream—that satisfy my sweet tooth. Which is why I’m very excited about a new book called Sweet Synergy: The Tasty Art of Living Sugar Free, which is written by Jennifer Knollenberg, who has developed many of the tasty low-carb recipes that you find on She has created a dessert cookbook featuring gluten-free, sugar-free and low-carb recipes—finally, she gives us a way to indulge from time to time, while helping people feel comfortable cooking with low-carb, gluten-free and sugar-free ingredients. Honestly, this book bridges the gap where most low-carb diets fall short. Jennifer has a thorough understanding of nutrition and the low-carb lifestyle (which she also follows), and you’ll get a quick overview of this in the book. Plus, as a pastry chef, she understands baking inside and out. Do you crave brownies, cake or pies or even donuts? Jennifer has recreated many of these favorites. They are so easy to make, that soon you’ll be enjoying these mouthwatering treats, without the guilt or the sugar. You can proudly bring any of these delicious desserts to any gathering or serve them to your guests, and no one will guess how truly healthy they actually are unless you tell them. With this book, you can have your cake (sugar-free, of course) and eat it, too.


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