Colette's Blog

November 8, 2012

Hello! I hope you all had a fabulous Halloween, it is one of my favorite holidays.

I love hearing what you all have to say, and so I'm always reading your comments on the blog and on Facebook. I want to say thank you so much to everyone who has shared words of encouragement with me there, it really means a lot. I noticed that a few of you have asked about my stomach surgery, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to share my experience.

I had a band put on my stomach 13 years ago, and I lost about 125 pounds. Then I put on 25 pounds. Then it went up to about 40 pounds and I had the band removed. At the time, the surgery was big in Europe, but I was one of the first people to have it done in America, so I was a bit of a guinea pig here for it.

The band was not the solution to my weight struggles, as I had hoped it would be. It was just like everything else, you find a way around it. And I found out that if I had a glass of wine, it loosened it up and I could eat whatever I wanted, so it became redundant. It's taken me 60 years to realize that it's not about a diet. It's about a life change.

If you’ve heard that before and you’re thinking it’s much easier said than done, you’re right. That is why I’m so happy I found Atkins. They’ve helped me make the changes that have freed me from my struggle with weight and set me up to live a longer, healthier life.

All my love and support,


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