Colette's Blog

December 4, 2014

There's no doubt about it. The holidays are here! We're out shopping for gifts, maybe attending a few holiday parties and busy making plans to celebrate with our families. I know I can't wait to spend quality time with my family! There's also loads of stress around this time of the year which often leads to bad food choices. If you can, try to your best to avoid any potential pitfalls. If you're Christmas shopping at the mall remember to pack an Atkins bar because you're going to need a snack at some point and this will hopefully give you the strength to fight off the temptation to hit the Food Court…..Bad Food Court!! But if you indulge a little please don't despair. It's OK. I'm not going to lie, I'll probably indulge a bit myself because it's almost unavoidable, right? The beauty of Atkins is that if you fall off the wagon, you don't have to go back to square one. It's so easy to start back up again.

I hope you all have a fabulous and relaxing holiday celebrating with family and friends.

How are you going to try and stay motivated during the holidays? Let's hear it.

Big Kiss,


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