Colette's Blog

January 25, 2013

Hello! I hope you all are having a fabulous week so far! I want hear about it – does anyone have an achievement they want to share? Or is there something you are struggling with that you want to talk about? I just love the way everyone in the Atkins community supports one another and I’m so happy to be a part of it.

I have a moment I’d like to share. Last week we did a segment on “The Talk” with a fitness expert and they had us doing planks. I got into my plank position and Sheryl Underwood turned to me and said, “You’re fit!” and that made me believe it. That made me feel really good.

Speaking of Sheryl and “The Talk,” next week we are going to be in New Orleans for the Superbowl and I can’t wait! It can be hard to keep up with some diets while traveling, which is one of the reasons I love Atkins - it’s liveable! You’re not restricted. You don’t have to stay home or put all your meals in a blender. You can be social, you can go to restaurants, you can live a normal life. And everybody doesn’t have to know that you’re on a diet. I don’t want to say I’m on a diet until I get where I want with it. I can go into any restaurant and find something on the menu that I can eat. I can eat the food provided at the studio.

I’m also excited to use the restaurant finder on the mobile app in New Orleans. It’s always interesting to see what comes up in different cities. Does anyone have any New Orleans recommendations? Let's hear 'em!

All my love and support,


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