My Story:
I never remember myself being slim. As a child a grew up with a big belly and a big face. I hated looking in the mirror since it is not pleasing to see myself out of shape. I hated the scale since and seeing my weight shoot up gave me stress. I hated seeing my pediatrician then because she always told me to lose weight. My mom used to do everything to help me try and lose weight but all of those attempts failed.
When I entered medical school, I started to gain more weight because of stress brought about by exams and so many activities. That was also the time that it became clear to me that being over weight or should I say “obese” was not something to laugh about. There are so many consequences waiting for me if I continued the lifestyle that is used to live.
When my friends and I went on vacation last summer, pictures were taken everywhere. After seeing all those pictures I realized that I was a walking time bomb. I might die at any time. It was an eye opener.
When my sister returned from a trip to New Jersey, she introduced me to the Atkins diet. I tried it and my waist kept on shrinking until I reached my goal weight. Now, I’m living my dream, I feel healthy and have tons of confidence… thanks to Atkins!
My Goals:
I was aiming for 160 lbs at the start of my diet and to have a waistline of 34 inches. Well, not only did I reach my goal, but I now have a normal BMI, weigh 140 lbs and have a waistline of 32 inches.
How Atkins Helped Get Me There: With the delicious recipes available in atkins diet it became easier for me to reach my goal.