Kristen Kindred

Age 40
An Atkins fan for life

* The average person can expect to lose 1-2 lbs. per week. Results may vary. Weight loss is influenced by exercise, food consumed and diet
85 lbs lost*
Kristen Kindred - after
Kristen Kindred - before

My Story:

Always being an athlete and in shape, it was awful seeing the doctor write “obese” on my chart during my yearly physical exam. I had had three babies by this time and never lost the weight. People were asking me when I was having a baby eight months after I had given birth. I decided I needed to do something to get the weight off. Atkins was one of the many eating plans I tried, but the only one that worked for me. The first two weeks were a little tough but you get so much energy. When I was tempted by non-Atkins-friendly foods, I think about how they made me have less energy. I try to think of food as fuel for my body, and by eating those foods they will not fuel, but hurt, my body. My mom encouraged my weight loss a lot, as it was very hard for her to see me so heavy and miserable. I had many supporters, but my mom was my biggest fan. I lost over 70 pounds in less than a year and have kept it off for over four years. My friends and family cannot believe the change. When anyone asks how I did it, I always say exercise and Atkins. When we look at “before” pictures, people don’t even recognize me. I am half the size I used to be, literally. It has inspired friends, family and clients to live an Atkins lifestyle. I am a new person. I am in the best shape of my life, and it jumpstarted my new career as a certified personal trainer and helped me lose the weight I needed to in order to feel like myself again. Atkins works, and it can be a lifestyle. It gives you choices, energy, and I’m a fan for life.

Favorite Atkins Friendly Food: Salmon, pepperoni and cheese and Atkins nutrition bars

My Goals:
Not provided.