Krystal Roloff

Age 29

* The average person can expect to lose 1-2 lbs. per week. Results may vary. Weight loss is influenced by exercise, food consumed and diet
103 lbs lost*
Krystal Roloff - after
Krystal Roloff - before

My Story:

I was just one BMI point away from “morbidly obese,” and he was already in that category. We began following the Atkins Diet, exercising, and building healthy habits. We have embraced Atkins as a lifestyle, and will NEVER go back to where we were or eating that way again. We have both lost more than 100 pounds since the end of October, 2009. We both look and feel amazing, and owe it all to the Atkins way of eating.

My Goals:
Lose weight. Feel healthy. Be able to exercise.

How Atkins Helped Get Me There: Atkins helped me shed the weight I’ve battled with my entire life. Before starting Atkins, I suffered from constant migraines, and with this change, they have gone away completely. My skin cleared up, and I have had more energy than I can ever remember having. Atkins truly saved our lives. Thank you Atkins, for everything.