My Story:
Since high school, I have always loved Atkins. After having my second child in April 2008, I hit 210 pounds, and in December 2008 I was still almost 190 pounds. My husband always told me “You know what to do if you are not happy with yourself.” I figured Atkins would be easy considering my Latino background; there were tons of protein options for me so I didn’t get bored. With the food options, I have never felt deprived. I am able to overcome the temptation of non-Atkins-friendly foods by focusing on where I am now and where I was, and I think of how unhappy I felt, and how much I don’t want to go back to that place again. The first month was hard, but exciting when the pounds just started to disappear. It took one year to lose the weight, and I love my new body. I love myself again, I love visiting my closet every morning, and I have a more positive attitude with my family because I am not mad at myself any more. Atkins has given my inner self back. Before, I felt trapped in my body. Now I feel strong and feel that I can accomplish anything. I love the new me, and I don’t feel a slave to my scale; going up a few pounds here and there is no worry for me. I am more active now, and I know that with dedication and love to myself I can accomplish anything. Atkins comes naturally and wonderfully delicious with all of the options everywhere I go. My friends and family cannot believe, that after having two kids, I look this good. Once you start Atkins, it becomes an addiction to keep going, and to keep feeling as good as you do. It is the best decision anyone can do for themselves. It brings out the best of you. If you feel good and look your best, you automatically give the best of yourself to others. Atkins is just a part of who I am for the rest of my life.
Favorite Atkins Friendly Food: Zucchini with chorizo (Mexican sausage). I sauté onions, tomatoes and some green peppers in a spoonful of olive oil. I cut up the sausage and add it. Once cooked, I add the sliced zucchini. I top with a little bit of cheese.
My Goals:
Not provided.