Tami Mungenast

Age 40

* The average person can expect to lose 1-2 lbs. per week. Results may vary. Weight loss is influenced by exercise, food consumed and diet
50 lbs lost*
Tami Mungenast - after
Tami Mungenast - before

My Story:

After high school, my weight started creeping up. Every year, I was wearing a bigger size. I stopped weighing myself because it was too discouraging. It seemed like, the more I dieted and the less I ate, the fatter I got, even while I was actively exercising. I even made a few attempts at what I thought was the Atkins diet plan, but due to my lack of knowledge, I was never able to last more than a few days and gave up. Looking back, I realize I was never following the Atkins Nutritional Approach.

My Goals:
In early 2003, I was desperate. I went to my doctor for a complete physical, hoping he would find some reason I couldn’t lose weight – but he didn’t. Instead, he told me my blood work was fine. He did diagnose me with arthritis due to my ongoing joint pain and also suggested that I consider a prescription diet pill. Meanwhile, my BMI was 31, body fat, 35%. I was 5’3” tall and weighed 175 pounds with size 14 jeans. I stopped buying clothes because I felt so horrible about the size I needed. I was about to see my doctor to get the diet pill prescription when I found out the husband of a friend of mine had lost significant weight with Atkins. I read the book and realized everything I had been eating, low fat, low calorie, high carbohydrate was exactly the opposite of what Atkins asked you to eat.

How Atkins Helped Get Me There: I started following Atkins in March of 2003. I spent three weeks on Induction, started losing weight right away and then went on to OWL. I was so pleased that the weight kept coming off. I was full, satisfied and energized and the success kept me going. It took around a year to lose the first 50 pounds, I dropped from a size 14 to a size 7. My joint pain went away as well and I came off my prescription meds. My lipids went from the high normal to optimal. During my second year on the program, I really ramped up my exercise and started focusing on weight training. I kept dropping fat as my weight stayed the same. By the end of that year I was wearing a junior size 3, I couldn’t believe how small I was. I always thought I was a “big boned girl” but I was seriously mistaken. Five years later, I still enjoy Atkins bars and shakes – and use the Caramel line as a treat. I’ve been in Maintenance since 2004 and have maintained my weight. Today, I’m a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Consultant. And I use the Atkins principals with many of my clients. I love helping people transform their bodies and realize their true potential.