Troy Grimes

Age 47

* The average person can expect to lose 1-2 lbs. per week. Results may vary. Weight loss is influenced by exercise, food consumed and diet
68 lbs lost*
Troy Grimes - after
Troy Grimes - before

My Story:

By age 40, I had already run my first marathon thanks to my weight loss success. I went from 233 to 165 pounds, and I’m still maintaining this weight almost eight years later.

My Goals:
I’ve run approximately 30 marathons and four ultra-marathons in the past eight years. In 2010, I ran 49 distances of half-marathon length or greater. And in February 2011, I ran back-to-back ultra-marathons (62 miles in 2 days). And I owe all this success to Atkins.

How Atkins Helped Get Me There: Atkins helped me get my health back by being the catalyst for my weight loss. I’m not running from one diet to the next anymore. I’m just running.