My Story:
My Atkins journey started like many others. At 196 pounds and only five feet, 5 inches tall, I knew I was overweight. The weight came on gradually. Life just seemed in the way and I got into some bad habits. I owned a home that needed attention and have two wonderful children who want Dad to play with them. And I could do it, but not for long. I would get winded and couldn’t keep up with them. I really didn’t want to be the father who just sat on the sidelines watching. I wanted to be involved. My kids would say, “Dad don’t take your shirt off at the beach.” That is the beauty of a child – they are honest without trying to be hurtful.
I had always considered myself to be an athlete and could not believe how I had let myself go. My HDL and LDL were fine but my triglycerides were over 300. My doctor told me that I had to do something or I would need medication. I didn’t listen and he put me on a cholesterol medication. I had tried dieting in the past and always felt hungry. I knew that there had to be a better way.
I had started exercising and lost 5 pounds but stalled after that. I was working hard with a lot of cardio and strength training, but my diet was just terrible. Exercise alone was not working. How could I continue to exercise and go on a diet without feeling hungry all the time or too tired to workout?
That’s when a friend suggested we do the Atkins Diet together. We started the day after the 2009 Super Bowl in January. I read the books and realized Atkins was not just a diet – it was a way of life. I had to give it a try. My goal was to lose only 10 pounds. My doctor told me that would be enough. I continued my exercise regimen and jumped into the Induction phase. The first 15 pounds came off easily, but I could still see plenty of fat on my body. I went to Phase 2, Ongoing Weight Loss, and the weight continued to drop. I kept setting new goals. Five more, then another five – the fat was dropping off. I couldn’t believe it.
Five months after I started Atkins, I had lost 39 pounds and my workouts had intensified. It’s crazy how it happens. You look at yourself in the mirror and can’t believe the new you. I have a six-pack that I could not remember having since high school. Then something funny started to happen: I was putting some weight back on. I had my percentage of body fat checked a month earlier and knew it was then 12.4 percent. I got scared and thought the weight was coming back. I maintained my carbohydrate levels and just kept working out. I decided to have my BMI done again. This time, I was down to 10.9 percent body fat. The Atkins lifestyle was not only eating away my fat but it was allowing me to put on muscle faster than my body could lose the fat. I was never hungry and at times had to make sure I was eating enough. I never thought it was possible to lose all that weight and still put on muscle.
I am now considering pursuing a personal trainer certification. My friends and co-workers are amazed by the difference in my appearance and my endurance. Many have asked me how I did it and I tell them Atkins helped me make the changes in my life. They all scoff at first until I explain, “Atkins is not a meat, cheese and egg diet. There is a lot more to it.” I explain to them that there’s much more to it than just the Induction part of the diet. There’s an entire process to help you learn to eat correctly. Vegetables play an important role in the lifestyle. My latest goal is to participate in a bodybuilding competition. I believe Atkins will help me get there. Thank you, Dr. Atkins.
My Goals:
Lose weight and get back in shape.
Build energy and endurance.
Improve blood sugar and triglyceride levels
How Atkins Helped Get Me There: I followed the four phases and found I was never hungry. Support from other Atkins followers in the Community Forum was a huge benefit, helping with my questions and concerns. You can find me there.