What is Belly Fat: Discover What it is and How to Get Rid of it

Many people trying to lose weight are most concerned with slimming down their midsections. Answer the question of “what is belly fat” and learn how to get rid of it with help from Atkins:

What is belly fat?

There are three types of fat: triglycerides (the fat that circulates in your blood), subcutaneous fat (the layer directly below the skin’s surface) and visceral fat (dangerous belly fat). Visceral fat is located beneath the muscles in your stomach and poses many dangers to your health when there is too much of it.

What does belly fat do to your body?

Belly fat doesn’t just sit there; it can have negative impacts on almost every organ in your body through the productions of excess hormones and chemicals. Having too much visceral fat can put you at risk for many other health issues such as cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer.

How do you know if you have too much belly fat?

An easy way to determine if you have too much belly fat is to measure yourself at home. Take a measuring tape and wrap it around your bare stomach, directly above your hip bone. The tape should be snug but not too tight. For women, a measurement of 35 inches or more indicates an unhealthy amount of belly fat. For men, a measurement of 40 inches or more indicates an unhealthy measure.

What is the best way to get rid of belly fat?

The best way to get rid of belly fat involves considering three major factors: exercise, diet and sleep.

  • Regular exercise is one of the best ways to get rid of belly fat. Aim for half an hour of vigorous aerobic exercise at least 4 times a week: jogging, stationary biking and using the elliptical are all great options. Moderate exercises like walking the dog or working in the yard can also help burn belly fat.
  • Following a healthy diet is also an effective way to get rid of belly fat. Diets high in fiber and low in carbohydrates, which include foods like fish, poultry, lean meats, eggs, healthy fats like avocado and olive oil, and lots of colorful vegetables, build up less visceral fat. Be sure your intake of fluids is adequate
  • People who regularly get 6-7 hours of sleep each night tend to have lower measures of visceral fat. Create a healthy sleep schedule for yourself and make sure you stick to it.

Cutting down on belly fat now can save you many health risks later in life. Keep yourself healthy with good sleep, lots of exercise and a healthy low carb diet!

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