My Story:
I have lost 291 lbs since March of 2008. I have been given a new leave in life thanks to the Atkins program and for that I cannot thank Atkins enough. What got me to do Atkins? Well it started in February 2008 one night and a trip to the emergency room. Due to my weight, lifestyle and inheriting my father’s genes my blood pressure was through the roof. I still remember what the Doctor said to me while I was sitting on the hospital bed in a gown awaiting my diagnosis, “If you don’t change, you’re not going to remain on the terra firma much longer.” My heart just sank, I knew exactly what he meant and he was right. Doctors were telling me the same thing ever since I broke the 400 pound mark but I just ignored them. I was young and didn’t care at those times but at that time, sitting there at 33 years old, about the same age as my father was when he first got hospitalized for hypertension it finally sank in. I’m not getting any younger and I’m on my way to an early grave if I don’t change. Now I am currently at 205 lbs, I still have about 15lbs left to go and what a difference Atkins has made in my life. I get to do all the stuff I haven’t done since I was a kid. I’ve always been an avid hunter and fisherman since I was a kid. Now I can hunt and fish comfortably, I can climb my deer stand now when I go deer hunting. Something I would not have dared do four and a half years ago.
My Goals:
Get off of blood pressure medication.
Feel better both physically and mentally.
Enjoy the things I used to love doing.
How Atkins Helped Get Me There: With the Atkins approach I have a new leave on life. I can hunt, fish and bowl and not worry about aches or pains.