Thomas Alvey

Age 27
2016 Atkins All Star Winner | Men Under 40

* The average person can expect to lose 1-2 lbs. per week. Results may vary. Weight loss is influenced by exercise, food consumed and diet
82 lbs lost*
Thomas Alvey - after
Thomas Alvey - before

My Story:

I had always had a dream of becoming a police officer but had never been physically capable of passing the physical agility testing requirements. In August of last year, after struggling with my weight my whole life, I looked into Atkins. With the ease of obtaining the meals and all the options available right in my own store instead of ordering things online, I decided that Atkins would be good to try. With diet and exercise, I have lost 82 lbs to date and feel healthier than ever. I now have 3 conditional job offers and a body that is close to my goal weight!